Last Sunday both Jack and Liz asked me about going to the temple. "Please, can we go Mommy?" Well, who can possibly refuse a request to go to the temple? It was Steve's last week before he starts work again tomorrow (can I hear a hallelujah!) so we took advantage of a small (tiny) break in the weather to go to the Seattle temple.
Jack's wink! |
Charlotte, the wisest of our three, decided not to walk on the grass, and her dry feet thanked her! Jack and Liz... not so much. |
At this point we actually went inside the temple. There is a little waiting room in the very front where the kids could go in and sit reverently. They really loved that part. It didn't last too long (way too wiggly) but Liz just couldn't get over the fact that she had been INSIDE of a temple.
If you go WAY back to 2009, there is a picture of Lizzy hugging and kissing this statue... she's grown a bit. We tried to recreate it with Charlotte, but she thought the statue was creepy and was absolutely terrified of the daddy statue behind her. We didn't take that picture. |
It took a few minutes for the kids to decide they actually wanted to take pictures... (Mom, don't look at how badly I've hemmed those pants, just pretend it isn't there!) |
I just liked this one because it is a good picture of my new haircut... |
I loved getting them each individually in front of the temple... Liz probably enjoyed her photo shoot the most, she agonized over what dress she should wear! She ended up picking my favorite... |
Jack had to be bribed in order to smile... but he did! |
Couldn't decide which one was better... clearly, Charlotte is cuter in the first one, but both Jack's constipated face (top) and his half fish face (bottom) are pretty great too... |
She is getting so big! |
Daddy and his girls... |
Can I brag about this insanely handsome man for a second? He is actually wearing the suit he wore the day we met. He has recently lost 45 pounds. 45 pounds people! He has worked so hard!
Tip... toe... tip... toe... I told them to be careful by the fountain. This is what that looked like... |
Grandma, this is your flower. The one that never made it to you. Pretty sure the petals were sprinkled to make something more beautiful. But here it is, know that it is yours! |
Charlotte's new passion is walking (on paths, not on grass). She goes crazy when I mention the word 'walk' or 'shoes'. Hmmm... she reminds me a bit of Elmer in that way, only less stinky and drooly... generally. But cuter, certainly. |
My Beautiful Babies! |
1 comment:
Congrats to Steve! You guys both look great. What a good job as parents to teach while they are interested and young.
i think it is great that there are temples so close to people. The only drawback is that with the temples so close it no longer is this HUGE deal to go to the temple. You don't have to travel, or make plans, or grow up wanting to even see a temple because you've never been to one before. Nor are they big temples with grounds to walk around, visitor centers to learn in or even upper stories of the temple to go to. We have a small temple about 8 miles away from our house. The youth go every other month so when a 'temple trip' comes up you just go or even meet them there instead of having to hope you make the list, meet at 5:00 in the morning and make an entire day of it. But then again it is great that temple attendance can be easier and more frequent. I guess I will have to create that sense of excitement for the temple in our home and hope my kids find it as just as scared and special as I viewed it growing up.
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