I came to Rick's College (and yes it was Ricks College then) exactly 10 years ago. It was my 19th birthday. I was so excited, so full of hope and expectations, and I was also scared to death. I leave it now, 10 years later, feeling much the same way. As I watched Steven's graduating class file into the building (it took a while) I felt as if my Rexburg life was flashing in front of my eyes. Let me give you a rundown:
During my time in Rexburg I have had 21 roommates (Shauna, Becky, Michelle, Janae, Jen, Erin, Cami, Laureen, Amy, Kaylee, Dee, Cassie, Emily, Lacey, Alicia, Cammi, Nicole, Gina, Rachel, Jessika and Anna... sorry if I forgot someone, and I am pretty sure I did). Steven had three (Chris, Matt and Myke).
I have lived in 5 different apartments.
I have lived in 3 different wards with 7 different bishops.
I have seen the extensive remodeling of 4 buildings on campus: the Library, the Benson, the Snow and the Manwaring Center.
I have seen 4 different buildings go up on campus: the Spori, the Hinckley, the Ricks, and the BYU-Idaho center.
I have seen the Rexburg temple from the groundbreaking, total construction and dedication.
I have gone to the temple, recieved my endowments, served a mission and learned to speak Russian.
I have been married to the love of my life and had two children.
I have earned a bachelor's degree in History education.
I have learned to sew, cook, how to walk on the ice, and also how to shovel a sidewalk.
It has been an amazing 10 years...
But as I stood there lost in my sentimental sea of memories, I knew there was something more that I was failing to recognize. As the choir began their musical number, it hit me. They sang: "I Believe in Christ". All of my time here, all of my efforts: both to earn a degree and even to develop my family were all because of my testimony of my Savior. All of the efforts put into me and my husband by our teachers, bishops and leaders; all of the scholarship money that had been spent, had been to teach me that one truth that this university was uniquely qualified to teach. I do believe in Christ. He is my King. I do not know all that the future holds, but I do know this truth, and because I know it, the future looks bright.
What an awesome post! You got me all teary.
Congrats! Your post makes me nostalgic. BYU-I has a big part of my heart. Although, the next stage of life has its perks, the college years are really special. Good luck in your next chapter.
What a wonderful piece of writing you've shared Rachael! Congratulations to all of you. xxoo and Merry Christmas!
Congrats to you and your family! My hubs got his degree in Construction Management, too! He is now working for Bechtel and we are living the life in Maryland. How exciting to finally have him done with school. Now on to bigger and better things, right? :o)
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